Write For Us

Write For Us

We welcome guest posts for use on our website.

If you are a blogger, experienced writer or a graduate who is looking to showcase your work to a wider audience, then we will consider your articles for publication on our site.

All we ask is that the article is original (i.e. not published anywhere else, including your own website), that it is of high quality and is over 1,000 words in length.

Our full set of guidelines is below.

In exchange for writing for our website, we will happily include your blog details (photo, name and overview).

We will also allow you to include one link in your article. Please don’t make the anchor text too keyword specific and spammy. You can use domain name or brand name.

Types Of Articles We Accept

GearFork is a leading lifestyle magazine. we cover the hottest gear releases, latest news, coolest gadgets, aesthetic architecture, vehicles and style.

In the ever-forward moving world of trends, our team is pushing the limits to stay at the forefront for our readers.

Here are a few topics that we would be interested in receiving articles from guest writers:

Life skills (How to, What, Why)

Product reviews (500 words)

Tutorials — Either helping people get started with new technology, or walking them through the process of building a project.

Opinion — Do you have a strong opinion on something in our industry and the research to back it up? These can make useful talking points.

Ultimate Guides — Longer articles really digging into a subject. A reference piece that people will return to time and time again.

Case Studies — What did you or your company learn from a particular project. These need to focus on practical examples that will be useful to other people.

What We Will Do For You

For every article or blog post that we upload to our website, we will share each one on our social media channels including: Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

We will allow one hyperlink in your article so that all our readers can click-through to your site or social account should they wish.

Guest Writing Guidelines

Please read the following guest writer guidelines before submitting an article for review:

  • Provide an engaging title/headline
  • Please split your content up with relevant sub-headings
  • Use short paragraphs so that it is easy to read
  • Must be original and written in proper English
  • Must not be copied (in full or in part) from another website, article, book or any source which has copyright
  • Must be over 1,000 words in length
  • CBD and sex-related content are not allowed.
  • 1 permanent links per post
  • Anchor keyword can be used in one of the following forms:
    1. According to the name of the site
    2. According to the website.com
    3. You can check out “name of the website”; or
    4. Visit here, click here, visit this site, follow this site, get more and something related…
  • All articles will remain on the website permanently
  • 4 images per post, maximum
  • If you include images or videos within the article, they must be high quality and with copyright approval.
  • Strictly primary links to anchor words, ie. no naked links like http://yoursitename.com/example-post

Contact us: contact[at]gearfork[dot]com or submit message below: